Huckleberry Marin’s Mental Health and Health Education team’s Nuestra Salud (Our Health), is a program that empowers recently immigrated Newcomer, Spanish-speaking, Latine youth, with psychoeducation and information to be transformative health advocates in their respective communities. Newcomer youth are young people who have been in the United States for less than two years.
Huckleberry staff trains youth in the Nuestra Salud program as Peer Health Educators to help break the stigma around mental health and sexual and reproductive health, encouraging them to be leaders in their communities by sharing the information they’ve learned.
Funded by Marin County, Nuestra Salud participants recently completed their creative project for this school semester! The final project is a mental health magazine which includes interviews with community members about mental health and other health topics that will empower their peers to make informed decisions to keep them healthy and bring awareness to the importance of mental and/or reproductive health.