Established in 1967, Huckleberry House offers continuous 24-hour crisis intervention, resolution services, and emergency shelter for high-need youth between the ages of 12 and 17. Huckleberry House may house 18-year-olds who are enrolled in high school or GED program.
Clients are supported by our caring team of Huckleberry House staff, who are trained in working with youth during times of crisis, and help them build healthier approaches to navigating challenges and conflict.
Located on Page Street (at Lyon) in San Francisco, Huckleberry House is the oldest program for runaway and homeless youth in the country.
To contact Huckleberry House directly, please call 415.621.2929 or email hh@huckleberryyouth.org
The National Runaway Switchboard: Huckleberry House is one of 13,000 resources listed on the National Runaway Switchboard. Established in 1971, The National Runaway Switchboard serves as a federally-designated national communication system for homeless and runaway youth. Find out more at www.1800runaway.org.
(415) 621-2929
1-800-735-2929 (TTY)
Fax (415) 621-4758
This website is supported by Grant Number 90CY7687-01-00 from the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family and Youth Services Bureau.